Saturday, August 8, 2009

Song of the millenium?

I feel bad for neglecting this blog, sorta like how one would feel after realising that the funny smell downstairs really was your only friend and schoolyard chum squeaky, the pet mouse.

So I'm going to post more, pinky promise.

What better way to do so than with my favorite song of all time? There isn't a better way, don't bother.

The Serpentine Offering by Dimmu Borgir really is the best song ever composed in the history of amazing for many reasons.

For starters, after witnessing the most brutally intimidating pipe organ i have ever seen in my life, the lead singer feels obliged to tell you that his descent is the story of everyman. Although hatred, darkness and despair would be cool to claim as your ancestors, the most important part here is the drums. The rapidly firing thuds are the bass drum. Everytime you hear a thud, the drummer is lifting up one leg, and pushing down on a pedal on the other. Go ahead, try it, I'm convinced the dude is Usain Bolt with a wig and really powerful makeup.

Secondly, the pipe organ. You might be familiar with the pipe organ and the usual player of a pipe organ, the lovely old lady who plays for the church every sunday:And the lovely organ she would play:

As it would seem, Dimmu Borgir are not ones to be outdone by the aging population. They upgraded their organ just slightly.
They also upgraded their little old lady just slightly:
However I think the best thing about this band is the fact that they make so many things i used to think were funny into absolutely terrifying. They did it to church organs, they did it to orchestral music. And to this day they remain the most Intimidating Lord of the Rings nerds I have ever seen.

Don't worry, I'm terrified as well.